MEREN is committed to providing high-purity sand products of the highest quality

Silica sand – Kaolin – Pozzolana – Zeolite – basalt – quartz sand ; in different grain sizes and high-purity. and IFibertech-Equestrain.

“MEREN” is a Jordanian company headquartered in Amman. Additionally, MEREN owns and operates multi-industry private free zones managed from its headquarters in Amman, enhancing its diversified portfolio and significant operational capabilities.

“MEREN” is a leading company specialized in mining, particularly in extracting raw materials such as silica sand, kaolin sand, pozzolana , basalt , quartz sands, IFibertech-Equestrain, zeolites, and other related products. Known globally for its commitment to high-quality materials while minimizing environmental impact, it offers products available in high purity and in a variety of particle sizes to suit various industry applications.

This task is accomplished efficiently, benefiting from years of experience and technical expertise in the mining sector, with silica sand processing and development activities initiated in Jordan since 2007.

Middle East Regional Development Enterprise “MEREN”

Our Mission

  • Customer satisfaction assurance to be guaranteed conforming complianse with standards, regulations and continued development.

Our Vision

  • locally and globally recognized high-quality silica sand products.

Our Values 

  • Safety, Team work, Accountability ,Honesty and environmental concerns.
happy clients
Solutions to challenges
Pure Products

MEREN products

Silica Sand






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Mohammad Al Tarawneh

Pres Rep & Public Relations

Eng. Renad Al Tarawneh

Eng. Saleh Al Tarawneh

Eng. Tariq Abu Qattam


Dr. Majd Al Hyari

Salah Ziqlam


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MEREN products

Silica Sand






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Our business is governed by the Commit framework, which encompasses our values and standards for conducting business. The Commit framework applies to all companies controlled by MEREN and requires businesses to adhere to Commit rules, with management responsible for monitoring and reporting compliance. The code of conduct supersedes MEREN’s policy approach and encompasses our brand, health and safety practices, legal compliance, and working culture.

At MEREN, we have a distinctive set of 5 Core Values that drive the way we conduct our business. These values were ingrained into our operations by our founders and have remained guiding principles, shaping the development of MEREN for over a century. In today’s world of rapidly evolving economic and market conditions, these values continue to play a crucial role, ensuring our growth for the future in a sustainable manner.